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   Since we growing so fast we are also relocating on an average of 2 times a year, because of this we are sorry to say that you are have to download our picture link to your web page directory. You can do this by right clicking on the image and choosing the "save image as" option. You should save this image to your web page directory but remember where you put it.
   Now select the text with your mouse and press Ctrl +c, this will save the text in a temp file. Now open your HTML document "web page code" and press Ctrl +v, this will put the test that you selected in your web page but remember to restate the location of the image.
   The location of the image is stated in the blue text area and will change from web page to web page depending what your stile of creation is.

Link to us with the following tag.

<A href="http://www.how.to/computers">
<img src="Picture location and name.gif" width=88 height=31 border=0>

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